In Pakistan the most populated city is karachi. The evaluated population of karachi is to be around 16 million. Now a days karachi is facing several environmental issues like,lack of management of garbage,water pollution,air pollution and noise pollution. However, there is nobody is concerned about that number of trees is decreasing in the city day by day. Environmental issues is one of the most important issue of our society and they are creating major problems in the field of the environment.

The one of the basic and initial problem in karachi is lack of management of garbage.The reason of increasing garbage are: There is no proper solid waste collection system. Waste is dumped on the street. These garbage are pollute the environment and dirty our surrounding places also create bad smells, flies, cockroaches, mosquito and other insects. The second issue in karachi is water pollution. The unique and most serious type of water pollution is oil pollution. This problem is cause by oil overflows from tankers and ships always happens make a thick layer over the water in seas or oceans. And every one knows that oil doesn’t dissolve, so the sludge remains permanently. The resources of water pollution is disposal of industrial factories, house hold and agriculture land waste water gets removed into rivers and lakes.
Industrial waste is completely stuffed with chemicals and these chemicals are very highly harmful for aquatic life and also influence human life because when the humans drinking polluted water,they makes themselves to illnesses,like hepatities,cholera,typhoid and various other disease. The other environmental issue in karachi is air pollution. The air pollution is cause by industrial emmission,house fires,automobiles, buses and rickshaws and other vehicles smoke. When these harmful gases and smoke enters into the atmosphere they making it serious for plants ,animals and humans to alive because air becomes dirty. These vehicles are also create noise pollution, and they are impact our health like loss our hearing power, decrease in ability to memorize and alterness, anxiety, depression.
The pollution of karachi is rising and influencing the health of people very badly and if we are not taken the immediately step to decrease it, then we will confront major health problems and disease. There are many ways to reduce these issue and make the environment healthy, clean and hygenic. Here are some common practical practices that if we implemented in our daily life so the environmental problems will be dissolve.
1) Build the knowledge about the reduce, recycle and utilize the concept among people. Provide suitable dumping of garbage. If the items should not just be dropped away after use and if they can be used moreover.They will help to reduce solid waste and protect the environment from pollution, and better discussion of resources.And making the new things from once used items like jars of glass,plastic bottles and plastic bags. Singapore is one of the best example because in which the singapore’s waste is burned in waste recycling company. Maximum 90 percent garbage are reduced by burning, dump space is save and by the using of steam electricity is generated.Recycling is amoung the most effective means through which solid waste can be reducing and natural resources can be maintained by recycling materials and putting them back into productive use.
2) Donot dispose of oils in the rivers and seas. Handle and cleaning the chemicals properly. Construct proper sanitary landfill sites. Refine and recycle the water as well.
3) The following measures should be taken to reduce air and noise pollution: Encourage people to use public modes of transport; resort to car pooling to save energy and money; conserve energy by switching off unnecessary fans and lights to reduce the burning of fossil fuels.we should take serious action on heavy diesel vehicles and charge heavy penalty on these vehicles. Reduction of forest fires. Burning pressure horns, reserve those bikes who remove the silencers, eliminating factories from residential areas. Increase the plantation because trees improve our air quality and fresh the environment by filtering harmful dust and pollutants such as ozone and carbon monoxide from the air we breath. Trees reduce the amount of storm water runoff, which reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects of flooding.
Therefore,request government leaders to plant more trees. Allow the parliment introduce a law making it necessary for individual to plant 12 trees atleast, that is cut off without any purpose. Moreover, We should start the waste recycling plant in Pakistan because Pakistan doesnot have recycling facilities. This is not only government’s obligation, each and every citizen has play a vital role and to do their part as to protect earth.
Jinnah university for women
Department of Business Administration
Name:Hira Shaikh
Father Name: Abdul Khalid
Class:B.B.A 2(A)
Course Name: Business Ethics
Course code: BUS 2022
Student ID:JUW 14112
Seat No: 2125777
Enrollment No: 2021/Bus.A/BS/25806
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