Let’s break the corruption chain. Financial dishonesty is basically known as corruption. So, firstly we will have to talk about what actually corruption is. It is the dishonest and illegal behavior of the people having power. The use of power to violent the rights of humans, in terms of money. It is considered as the criminal activity and the deed of dishonesty which is done by a single person or group of people. It is a very dangerous act which should be avoided because it distract the expertise of individuals as well as resources, including human resources, toward to look forward for the rent and provide less attention on the activities like production.

Financial dishonesty is very harmful act which led the whole nation down. It effect the economic condition of the country. It increases inflation. Data from Pakistan’s Bureau of Statistics (PBS) shows inflation in Pakistan in June 2022 increased to 21.32%, which is the highest in the last 13 years. During the government of Pakistan people party from 2008 to 2013 the bad governance and the illegal behavior of their politicians led the level of corruption very high, but according to the research, during the government of Nawaz Sharif who was the chairman of Pakistan Muslim league noon the rate of corruption drop and Pakistan increase the rank from 28 to 32 in the TI corruption perceptions index in the year 2021. The highest ranking country at that time received the score of 88 and the lowest ranked county is at 11. Even though at that time, the serious declaration of corruption were against him (Nawaz Sharif).
Corruption is widely spread in the country Pakistan which is almost in every sectors. In 2011 survey, TI corruption perception index declared judiciary of Pakistan as the most corrupt sector in Pakistan. Dr. Abdul Aziz, director of Hamdard institute of education and social sciences stated in 2011 that Education as one of the most corrupt sector. Not only this, but the most honorable health care sector is also involved in such kind of activities. In 2010 survey, 61% reported hospital staff, 25% reported doctors, and 13% reported nurses were involved in illegal activities like financial dishonesty. Other than judiciary, education and health care, sport is also among the corrupted sector in Pakistan. In August 2010 reporters from news of the world identify three most popular players of Pakistan Muhammad Amir, Muhammad Asif and Salman butt was involved in match fixing which was later proven by the southward crown court on November 3, 2011.
In 2017 a campaign was started by national accountability bureau (NAB) which stated that “SAY NO TO CORRUPTION”. This campaign was started to create the awareness among the people about the dangerous effects of corruption. NAB include many governmental and non-governmental organization to spread this message as more as possible. It was a quite successful campaign which somehow reduce the rate of corruption. Such kind of more step should be taken from the NAB to reduce corruption.
It is possible to control corruption in our country Pakistan by working with the enthusiastic leaders, who are self-motivated. Other than the leaders, young generation who are less than 25 years are 60% in Pakistan. They are full of ideas they should try their best to stop corruption by introducing new ideas. We all should have to work hard for Pakistan to make it the best place. But this doesn’t mean that suddenly everything is going to be different. They need support over time to sustain the change they want to see.
“Police, judiciary among most corrupt institutions in Pak”. NDTV.
“Education is one of the most corrupt sectors”
Transparency International Pakistan (2010)
Source: Jinnah University for Women
Name: Aqsa Jamil
Enrollment: 2021/Bus.A/BS/25781
Class: BBA II B
Course: Business Ethics
Course instructor: Miss Madiha Raees
Assignment 1
Article on financial dishonesty