It is imperative that you learn ways to keep your customer’s data safe when you are entrusted with your customer’s private information. It is true that a company’s greatest asset is its customers. Without a loyal consumer base, none of the hard work you or your employees put in can reach its full potential. Like any other business asset, customers need protection—particularly when it comes to their sensitive information.

Consumers put their faith in your company every time they hand over an address, phone number, or credit card number. You have the responsibility to protect that information; in the digital age it can be a daunting task.
Here are five ways to ensure the consumer data you maintain is always secure:
- Use a firewall. A firewall helps keep viruses, spyware, and other digital dangers from infiltrating your company systems. It is best to go with a firewall that is hardware-based as opposed to one that is part of an anti virus software program.
- Install anti-malware software. Do not wait for your systems to start showing signs of a virus. Make sure each and every computer, smartphone, tablet, and other mobile device has anti-malware software installed. You also want to be sure that the software is set up to run regular scans and is updated on schedule.
- Go with a private cloud option. Cloud computing has completely changed the way companies create and store information. It offers convenience and a backup plan but it is yet another area of potential company vulnerability. Seek out a company that offers private cloud computing services, as opposed to one that stores multiple clients’ information in the same spot. Isolating your information from that of other companies adds an extra layer of security.
- Employ a data center. Instead of keeping your servers in your physical building, enlist the help of a private dedicated data center. These facilities have high levels of security in the form of video surveillance and around-the-clock staff. The buildings are also designed to be stronger than the average office to withstand natural disasters or fires. A data center should be part of any San Diego disaster recovery plan.
- Create an employee information privacy policy. While it may not be as tech-savvy as other security measures, having employees sign a simple agreement to protect the information of consumers is something your company must do. Expressly outline what information is considered confidential and also explain what disciplinary action will be taken if the rules are broken. You may also want to include a policy on not taking sensitive information home, or accessing company information from public computers or free Wi-Fi locations.
Loss or theft of customer information is perhaps the most debilitating of all business disasters, but is also one of the easiest to prevent. By taking steps to protect the sensitive information of your customers, you are also protecting your own business. If you do not have an official data protection policy, now is the time to create one. Whether it includes VMware cloud services or an employee seminar on safeguarding information, take the steps necessary to protect your most valuable commodity: your customers.