There are various advantages and disadvantages of getting botox. The desire to stay eternally young is certain not a new quest. In fact, both men and women have searched throughout history for a way to avoid the aging process. For some people, they believe that they have finally found the solution to that problem through the use of Botox.

In fact, there are so many people who share this belief that Botox treatments have been the most commonly performed cosmetic procedure for the last five years in a row. In order to help you determine once and for all whether or not this procedure may be right for you, I would like to take this time to offer you a few of the advantages and disadvantages which are associated with this procedure.
Advantages of Using Botox :
1. You will see a dramatic reduction in the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles after just one Botox treatment. This means that unlike other anti aging treatments that require multiple applications before you achieve any results, you can always expect a virtually instant result when you choose to use Botox to treat the signs of aging.
2. Botox can be quite effective at prolonging the onset of the aging process when used as a preventative measure in patients who have yet to develop deep lines or wrinkles. In fact, most plastic surgeons recommend that you begin the use of Botox before you experience a notable change in the appearance of your skin. This is because Botox is most effective when used in the early stages of the aging process.
3. There is virtually no down time associated with this procedure, since relatively, Botox is a non invasive procedure In fact, you could return to work the very same day as the procedure is completed if you desire. In most cases, the only real side effects which will be experienced in conjunction with this procedure is a redness or bruising around the injection site. Patients may also experience a bit of swelling or tenderness at this injection site as well. Generally, these side effects will disappear within 24 to 48 hours without any medical intervention.
Disadvantages of Using Botox:
1. Botox treatments are not a permanent solution to the aging process. In order to maintain the results that this procedure provides, you will need to have the procedure repeated every 4 to 6 months. In fact, the results of this procedure will typically last for less and less time every time that the procedure is repeated. This is because patients tend to develop a resistance to the active ingredient in this treatment.
2. Botox treatments can become quite expensive. In fact, many people often need to seek out alternative financing options such as a cosmetic surgery loan in order to cover the cost of these treatments. Since these treatments will need to be repeated every few months, you could potentially find yourself racking up a large amount of debt in relation to this anti aging treatment.
3. There is a risk of permanent paralysis and even death with the use of this treatment. The key to avoiding this risk is to always have your Botox injections administered by a licensed plastic surgeon who has been professionally trained in the art of injecting Botox. This means that less expensive options such as Botox parties should never be considered a serious option. You will also want to confirm that the product you are being injected with is in fact genuine Botox in order to keep these risks to a minimum.