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Treat Your Bed Bug Problem With Home Remedies

You can treat your bed bugs with home remedies. The famous nighttime saying whilst tucking children at night is, “sleep tight and do not let the bed bugs bite.” Well many say this simply because it sounds nice and it rhymes, but bed bugs are no laughing matter. They are pests that will suck you blood whilst you sleep at night.

bed bug bites handSource: Flickr
Bed bug bites are a nuisance, but there are solutions.

On the plus side they are not that dangerous, do not worry a bedbug bite is not fatal, it is not even painful. You will just itch a lot and have ugly red marks for a while. Nevertheless, bed bugs are a nuisance. Once you establish that you have bedbugs in your room, (you know so by the red bite marks on your upper body close to the face and tiny blood marks on your beddings) then it is time for some bed bug control.

Get your hairdryer out and blow some seriously hot air in all the cracks in the room and those dark areas of your closet. Bed bugs cannot survive the extreme heat.

You can get rid of the nuisance bugs by:

  • Avoid moving around once you spot them

Immediately you realize that there are bed bugs, what you should avoid is moving around the house. If you get a bed bug bite in bedroom A, do not sleep in bedroom B the following day without dealing with the issue. If you do so, you are simply spreading them around making it harder to control. What you should do is remove the bed sheets, linens and the clothes you were in at once and place them in one pile.

  • Wash bedding in hot water

Take all of your beddings, the linens and wash them thoroughly in hot water, this will disinfect the beddings and get rid of the bugs. Just to be sure, you can soak them in hot water, wash and hang then wash them again as you would normally.

  • Use the right pesticide

You can then go out and buy pesticide to kill the bugs. Be sure to ask for specific brand that deal with bed bugs and ask for instructions as how to use the pesticide. Some brands are labeled to work on all household pets but they may not be as effective.

  • Use a hair dryer

Get your hairdryer out and blow some seriously hot air in all the cracks in the room and those dark areas of your closet. Bed bugs cannot survive the extreme heat.

  • Get an exterminator if all else fail

If no home remedies work within the first day, wait another day before you call in the professionals. Call the exterminator, negotiate for a good price and have them go through your whole house so that you get rid of them bugs once and for all. You can now truly sleep tight and no bed bugs will bite.

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